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Mainlander hangs himself in Avenida Dr Sun Yat-Sen hotel guestroom

Staff discover victim, 29-year-old surnamed Zheng, in toilet; no foul play suspected; autopsy follows.



Staff discover victim, 29-year-old surnamed Zheng, in toilet; no foul play suspected; autopsy follows.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:30 am

A mainlander hanged himself in the guestroom of a hotel on Avenida Dr Sun Yat-Sen yesterday, the Judiciary Police (PJ) have announced.

The victim was identified as a 29-year-old man surnamed Zheng.

According to the PJ, hotel staff entered Zheng’s guestroom as he was late checking out, only to find that he had hanged himself with a bathrobe belt in the toilet. 

Firefighters who arrived at the scene confirmed that Zhang was dead.

PJ officers confirmed that the marks on Zheng’s neck matched the belt he used to hang himself, The Macau Post Daily reported.

An initial examination of the body showed that Zheng had no injuries that could have been caused by foul play, nor were there any signs of a struggle found at the scene. An autopsy will be carried out in due course.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:30 am

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