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Macau’s top court rejects appeal against ban on protest against HK police

Macau’ highest court has rejected an appeal by activists against a decision by the local police to ban a protest against alleged police brutality in Hong Kong.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:43 am

Macau’ highest court has rejected an appeal by activists against a decision by the local police to ban a protest against alleged police brutality in Hong Kong.

The Court of Final Appeal (TUI) announced its ruling in a statement Monday night.

According to the ruling, which was released on the court’s website, such a protest would be illegal as it would interfere in Hong Kong’s internal affairs.

According to the Portuguese-language radio channel of government-owned broadcaster TDM, the police had earlier rejected the activists’ requests to be allowed to hold three protests on the issue, two of which had been planned for September 18 and 27, while the third was scheduled for this Friday.

Apparently, the activists only appealed against the third rejection by the police.

One of the activists was Jason Chao Teng Hei, according to TDM.

In August, the Macau police had also banned a protest against alleged police brutality during the current protests in Hong Kong. That protest was apparently planned by another activist who has neither been named by the local authorities nor the local media.

TDM cited a police document as saying that the protests were banned because they could result in counter demonstrations that would affect Macau’s stability. The document also said, according to TDM, that the Hong Kong police did not use excessive force when dealing with the protests.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:43 am

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