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Macau Polytechnic Institute chief expects ‘fierce’ competition for students

Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM) President Lei Heong Iok said on Tuesday that he expected competition among the city’s 10 tertiary education institutions for local students to become “fierce”. Lei pointed out that the Tertiary Education Service Office (GAES) has forecast that about 3,000 local pupils will choose to pursue their tertiary education in the city […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:47 am

Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM) President Lei Heong Iok said on Tuesday that he expected competition among the city’s 10 tertiary education institutions for local students to become “fierce”.

Lei pointed out that the Tertiary Education Service Office (GAES) has forecast that about 3,000 local pupils will choose to pursue their tertiary education in the city in 2018.

Lei made the remarks on the sidelines of a book launch on the IPM campus in Zape. Lei was a guest of honour at the event.

Asked by reporters about the institute’s recruitment of students this year, Lei said that the situation was “good,” adding that the Public Administration major had attracted several hundred applicants even though there were only 20 places available

Lei also said that that the institute’s Portuguese-Chinese translation and interpretation courses had attracted about 200 applicants while just about 20 places were available.

“Over the past two years the total number of local students applying has decreased…I believe the decline will continue until 2018, and according to an estimate by the Tertiary Education Service Office about 3,000 local pupils will choose to pursue their tertiary education studies in the city. I believe competition among local tertiary institutions will become fierce.”

Lei also said that according to current regulations the institute only has 110 to 120 places for mainland students, adding that this year about 2,800 mainland students had applied.

(Macau News / The Macau Post Daily)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:47 am

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