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Macau has ‘high chance’ of imported Zika cases

After Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong recently confirmed cases of the Zika virus, the director of the local Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), Lam Chong, has warned that the chance of Macau getting imported Zika cases is “quite high”. Lam made the comment on the sidelines of a ses sion about the Zika […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

After Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong recently confirmed cases of the Zika virus, the director of the local Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), Lam Chong, has warned that the chance of Macau getting imported Zika cases is “quite high”.

Lam made the comment on the sidelines of a ses

sion about the Zika virus, such as test procedures, observation methods and prevention measures, for medical practitioners from the private and public sectors on Friday.

With more confirmed Zika cases in Singapore and Malaysia, Lam told reporters “there is quite a strong possibility of imported [Zika cases in Macau].”

Lam pointed out that since there have been confirmed cases of imported dengue fever in Macau last year, it is also possible that Zika virus will be imported from Southeast Asian countries or elsewhere.

“Especially for people travelling from Singapore and other areas with Zika cases or those with Zika symptoms, we’ll test them for Zika and also require all airlines from Zika infected areas to take anti-mosquito measures on their flights before they land here”, Lam said..

According to Lam, Macau has the necessary equipment to test for Zika, adding that it takes about three hours to obtain results.

Lam added that since Aedes mosquitoes that cause dengue fever can also spread the Zika virus, residents should carry out mosquito prevention measures by clearing stagnant water.(Macau News / The Macau Post Daily)



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

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