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Macau Health Bureau reiterate that the coronavirus could spread among the local residents

Macau Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lei Chin Ion reiterated on Friday that the possibility of the coronavirus spreading locally cannot be ruled out.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

Macau Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lei Chin Ion reiterated on Friday that the possibility of the coronavirus spreading locally cannot be ruled out.

Lei spoke during a seminar with heads of Macau hospitals — Conde S. Januário, Kiang Wu, MUST — and representatives from more than 40 medical associations and private health institutions.

The SSM director said that he hopes the various health sectors and private health institutions will be able to help the government in the fight against the epidemic.

Lei said he also hopes that the sector representatives will disseminate the information to prevent the spread of the virus to associations and institutions to which they belong, in order to appeal to volunteers to participate in the work of medical assistance, nursing care and technical support to prevent the Government’s epidemic.

During the meeting, the Health Bureau announced that they are going to create a backup and anti-epidemic support team. Health professionals can voluntarily register on the Health Bureau website.

“Participation in work-related activities are of a voluntary nature, which includes medical assistance, nursing care, psychological support and administrative support activities,” the SSM said in a statement released on Saturday.

The representatives of the health sector present in the seminar expressed support and collaboration with the policies and measures to combat the epidemic developed by the government of Macau, as well as to consider these measures are able to effectively control the epidemic situation.

During the seminar, it was mentioned the health representatives hope that the government can help medical institutions in the acquisition of epidemic prevention materials and provide training to frontline health professionals.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

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