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Hong Kong tightens arrivals procedures until April 2022

While Covid-19 is under control locally, authorities fear possible effects from abroad, and extend precautions until next April.



While Covid-19 is under control locally, authorities fear possible effects from abroad, and extend precautions until next April.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:42 am

Travellers heading from Macao to Hong Kong are likely to face difficulties after the government extended Covid-19 precautionary regulations until 31 March 2022.

Authorities in Hong Kong said that although the local epidemic situation is currently under control, the global pandemic situation remains severe and there is a need to extend the Prevention & Control of Disease Ordinance regulations’ expiry dates so that the government can respond swiftly and implement the corresponding measures.

The extension will cover two regulations on compulsory quarantine for people arriving in Hong Kong, both currently effective until 30 September.

It also covers another six regulations on disease prevention and control concerning information disclosure, business and premises, group gathering prohibition, cross-boundary conveyances and travellers, and mask-wearing, all currently effective until 30 September, and compulsory testing for certain people currently effective till 14 August.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:42 am

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