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Hong Kong quarantine extended to June

Quarantine requirements for those arriving from mainland China and Macau have been extended until June 7. This will not apply to cross-border students.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:44 am

Quarantine requirements for those arriving in Hong Kong from mainland China and Macau have been extended until June 7, Secretary for Food and Health Sophia Chan said today. In the meantime, Hong Kong has decided to ease restrictions on some mainland arrivals from midnight

The mandatory quarantine of 14 days for travellers was to end on May 7.

Chan said that from Wednesday people in the education sector and whose businesses activities are “beneficial to Hong Kong” will be allowed to enter Hong Kong without having undergo measures like 14-day quarantine.

She said the regulation changes will be gazetted within hours to implement these relaxations by midnight.

But Chan said the restrictions imposed on general travellers from the mainland will be extended by a month, till June 7. Under this, people will have to undergo 14-day compulsory quarantine to make sure they are not infected by the novel coronavirus.

Chan said exemptions will be given to those engaged in production or economic activities beneficial to Hong Kong and cross-border students and teachers.

Asked if a broad definition like “economic activities beneficial to Hong Kong” would be misused and pose a danger to the city as virus outbreaks continue in many parts of the world, Chan said the details are still being worked out.

“You asked if there will be certain criteria to be met or is anybody eligible. Well, the relevant policy bureaus will have to continue discussion with the relevant sectors and they will have to decide which types of personnel would fit the description, what would be the duration of stay, whether they have to practice personal hygiene and so on,” she said.

“So there are a lot of details that have to be thrashed out, and then the chief secretary will make the final decision,” said the Health secretary.

(RTHK/The Standard)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:44 am

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