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HK woman tells son to smuggle mobile phones to Zhuhai from Macau: report

A 9-year-old boy from Hong Kong was told by his mother to smuggle 40 smartphones to Zhuhai from Macau via Gongbei border checkpoint last week but was stopped by mainland customs officers, government-owned broadcaster TDM has reported.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:47 am

A 9-year-old boy from Hong Kong was told by his mother to smuggle 40 smartphones to Zhuhai from Macau via Gongbei border checkpoint last week but was stopped by mainland customs officers, government-owned broadcaster TDM has reported.

According to the report on Friday, the boy with a backpack was walking alone through the “nothing to declare” channel in Zhuhai where he drew customs officers’ attention.

After the customs officers checked the boy, they found the 40 smartphones hidden around his waist and in his backpack. The boy admitted that he had been told by his mother to carry the mobile phones through the checkpoint, according to the report.

According to a report by the Chinese-language Macao Daily News on Saturday, the boy first refused to tell the customs officers where he was to meet his mother. However, the boy finally told the officers his mother’s mobile phone number. She answered their call and later met them and her son. The report did not say whether she was arrested

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:47 am

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