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Government beefs up health control measures at airport over Wuhan health scare

Health control measures, such as requiring air passengers arriving in Macau from Wuhan to fill in a form regarding their health condition, are in place at the local airport.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:47 am

Health control measures, such as requiring air passengers arriving in Macau from Wuhan to fill in a form regarding their health condition, are in place at the local airport, the Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement on Thursday.

The statement said that in response to the cases of viral pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan, the bureau has deployed more staff to all border checkpoints to beef up health inspection measures, especially at the airport.

According to the statement, three local residents aged from 6 to 19 who had visited Wuhan separately between December 20 and 30 all had symptoms of fever and respiratory illness when they returned to Macau. They went to the publiç Conde de S. Januário Hospital Centre where tests showed that they had seasonal flu or other kinds of respiratory illness, while their conditions are stable and there are no signs of pneumonia.

The statement said that all passengers arriving from Wuhan at the local airport will undergo temperature screening and will also have to fill in a health declaration form.

According to the Macau Post Daily, the bureau said that so far none of the air passengers or travellers who have been to Wuhan recently arriving in Macau via any of the city’s border checkpoints have been found to have a fever.

The statement urged the public not to panic but urged them to pay close attention to personal and environmental hygiene, and when in Wuhan or other places for holidays, avoid being in contact with poultry and other animals, while they should also consider wearing surgical masks when in crowded areas. The bureau also said that people should see a doctor if they feel unwell on their return from their holidays. For any enquiries, the bureau’s hotline for infectious diseases is 2870 0800.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:47 am

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