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Ferries could restart within days once quarantine regulations lifted

Marine Bureau chief Susana Wong Soi Man signals first step on the road back to normal travel; also warns Macao water consumption too high.




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Marine Bureau chief Susana Wong Soi Man signals first step on the road back to normal travel; also warns Macao water consumption too high.




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Ferries could start running between Macao and Hong Kong within days of quarantine regulations being lifted, Water and Marine Bureau Director Susana Wong Soi Man has said.

Speaking during an event on Guia Hill, Wong said approving the resumption would take three to seven days.

Ferry routes between Hong Kong and Macao have been suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic for almost two years. Wong underlined that the bureau has kept in close contact with the two ferry operators, who have been maintaining their vessels rigorously during the service suspension.

On a separate subject, Wong said that in recent years people living in Macao have been using 150 litres of water per head daily, which is one of highest consumption rates among Asia countries. 

According to Wong, consumers’ tap water fees do not cover the government’s expenditure on raw water supplies. She stressed that the government has been subsidising Macao’s water supply with about MOP 200 million every year, causing a financial burden. 

She also said that even though the government has no plans to raise the tap water fees, if the economy and social situation gets better in the future, the government might consider making tap water more expensive, The Macau Post Daily reported.


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