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5-8°C expected this weekend as strong winter monsoon reaches Guangdong

Last time weather dipped so low was in January 2016; weekend will be very cold and dry, according to the weather bureau.



Last time weather dipped so low was in January 2016; weekend will be very cold and dry, according to the weather bureau.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:32 am

A strong winter monsoon is expected to reach the coast of Guangdong province over the coming weekend, with the minimum temperature in the areas near the Pearl River Delta dropping gradually to about five to eight degrees Celsius, reaching a “very cold” level, the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau has announced.

Northerly winds will strengthen significantly, with strong winds of Force 6 to 7 and gusts over the weekend. In addition, the weather in Macao will become “very dry” during the weekend.

According to the bureau, from today through Friday, due to the influence of a broad cloud and rain band, more clouds and a few showers are expected, so the feeling of coldness would be even more pronounced. The weather station has hoisted a Yellow cold weather alert for seven consecutive days, indicating cold weather was expected to continue in the next few days.

The last time the weather dipped so low was in January 2016 when the mercury registered a temperature of 1.6 degrees Celsius. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:32 am

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