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Woman beats colleague, bites police officers

A local woman was arrested on Friday for attacking her Filipina colleague with a stick and biting two police officers.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:47 am

A local woman was arrested on Friday for attacking her colleague with a stick and biting two police officers, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Choi Iok Kin said during a regular press conference on Monday.

The suspect surnamed Che, who is in her thirties, told the police that she works as a cleaner.

According to Choi, a Filipina in her thirties, reported to the police at about 4 p.m. on Friday that she had had a dispute with her colleague about their working hours while cleaning a public toilet in Praça do Lago Sai Van earlier that day, and that she was beaten with a wooden stick by her colleague.

Choi said the Public Security Police dispatched two officers – a male and female – to the scene at about 5 p.m. where they tracked down Che. When being questioned by the officers, Che refused to show her ID card. She became emotional and claimed that she would kill herself by jumping into the sea, after which she ran away in the direction of Avenida Panorâmica do Lago de Sai Van. When the female PSP officer tried to stop her, Che bit her arm, she also bit the male PSP officer’s arm. However, both officers eventually managed to subdue Che.

According to Choi, Che was then taken to a police station for investigation. She told the police that she refused to show her ID card because she was upset that her Philippine workmate reported the case to the police, and also because the Filipina had complained to their superior about her working attitude more than once. Che also admitted to biting the policewoman but denied that she bit the policeman. When she was asked at the police station to get fingerprinted, Che refused again and again despite repeated warnings from the police.

Che was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on Saturday for further investigation, facing charges of causing aggravated bodily harm and resisting police authority, according to Choi.

(The Macau Post Daily/Macau News)
PHOTO © The Macau Post Daily

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:47 am

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