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Two triple-jabbed returnees from United States test positive for Covid-19

Women, who are 57 and 25, both in isolation; cases judged imported and asymptomatic, so Macao’s tally stays at 79.



Women, who are 57 and 25, both in isolation; cases judged imported and asymptomatic, so Macao’s tally stays at 79.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:42 am

Two local women, aged 57 and 25, who returned to Macao from the United States on Monday have tested positive for Covid-19.

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre has classified the two cases as imported and asymptomatic, so they have not been added to Macao’s novel coronavirus tally, which remains at 79.

According to the centre, the 57-year-old received her first and second Moderna mRNA jab in the United States last Spring, before receiving a Moderna booster jab in November.

She tested negative for Covid-19 in three nucleic acid tests (NATs) in San Francisco, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday last week. She flew to Singapore on Saturday and caught a connecting flight to Macao on Monday.

The 25-year-old received her first and second Moderna jab in the United States in May and June, before receiving a Moderna booster shot last month.

The young woman tested negative for Covid-19 in three NATs in Los Angeles, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday last week. She flew to Singapore on Saturday and caught a connecting flight to Macao also on Monday.

According to the centre, both tested positive for the novel coronavirus upon arrival at the airport on Monday. Neither of them had come down with any Covid-19 symptoms as of last night. Both told Health Bureau officials that they had never been diagnosed with novel coronavirus.

Both have been transferred to the Health Bureau’s (SSM) Public Health Clinical Centre in Coloane for isolation treatment, The Macau Post Daily reported.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:42 am

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