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Red and Yellow Code zones reclassified; positive Covid-19 families or units instead of persons

From now on Red Code zones will be declared for two Covid-19 families or units; Yellow Code will be declared for a single family; rather than individual cases.



From now on Red Code zones will be declared for two Covid-19 families or units; Yellow Code will be declared for a single family; rather than individual cases.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:44 am

Lockdown rules are changing in response to the fast-changing pandemic situation: in future, Red Code zones will be imposed after two units or families have tested positive Covid-19, rather than two persons, which was the previous ruling.

The Response Coordination Centre announced the rules for Yellow Code zones have also been altered. Buildings or areas with one unit or family (rather than one person) that has tested positive for Covid-19 will be listed as prevention areas, with the Yellow Code designation. Areas previously classified as Red Code zones may now be reclassified as Yellow Code zones if after undergoing one NAT, they do not meet the requirements of being classified as a lockdown zone.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:44 am

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