Home quarantine for infected cases OK’d, QR code entry for public places scrapped, lockdowns limited, domestic travel eased. Elderly strongly advised to get jabbed.
78 people infected from 28 November through Tuesday; Edifício Son Lim Garden brings Yellow Code Zones total to 18.
Parents, son and accomplice set up 600 shell companies and filed claims for Covid-19 financial support; now facing organised crime and fraud charges.
Customer-facing staff in hotel, entertainment, dining and retail industries need to undergo NAT once every two days.
Health authorities will only reimpose strict measures if cases reach 5,000 daily; elderly once again urged to get vaccinated to protect themselves and community.
All residents living in these buildings must do four NATs within five days while three residential buildings will be taken off the list tomorrow.
In future, cases will only be announced once a day. Cabbie Cluster and related cases now total 59.
A building is now classified as a Yellow Code Zone if one household has been diagnosed with Covid-19, while buildings with at least two households diagnosed with the virus will now be classified as Red Code Zones.
Nine cases found in community, remainder while under medical observation; cross-border arrivals face stricter NAT and RAT regulations.