Alvis Lo acknowledges that under new anti-Covid-19 landscape, official statistics tend to underestimate the ‘real’ number of cases in Macao.
People testing positive in RATs no longer need to do NATs, as they are now classified as positive for Covid-19 and must conduct online self-assessment at once.
Website only in Chinese and Portuguese; anyone with positive RAT or NAT can conduct a self-assessment via government’s electronic platform.
Measure extended for fourth time; authorities say measure will be adjusted according to pandemic situations in Macao and Zhuhai.
People in Macao can collect packages from 35 designated venues; each resident can now only buy up to five RAT kits and one box of antipyretics.
Diabetic woman suffered from hypertension, coronary artery disease and valvular heart disease; woman tested positive in NAT on Monday.
Figure is again nearly double the cases recorded in previous day, with total positive cases since 28 November now standing at 923; close contacts can also stay in any hotel starting tomorrow.
Under new ‘0+0’ measure, incoming travellers can go around the city freely; also starting tomorrow, Hong Kong will no longer require people to scan QR codes to record visits to premises but some places may still ask for jab records.
Schools suspend face-to-face teaching for 13 affected classes; parents urged to get children jabbed. Two-hour negative RAT result needed to visit public hospitals and health centres starting today.