Painstaking detective work by police and health officials leads to discovery of plot by woman to falsify noisy flatmates’ rapid antigen test results by way of revenge.
Thousands of residents remain in Yellow Code Zones; 75 patients released from hospital; 706 warned for flouting Covid-19 prevention measures.
More than 22,960 individuals under follow up as of 8 am today; Macao’s total cases now 1,819.
Lowest number of Red Code Zones since outbreak began in mid-June; all four residential buildings to re-open today.
Elaborate ploy involves fake police IDs and accusations of spreading fake news about pandemic; innocent residents lose substantial sums after handing over personal details.
‘Consolidation period’ may be extended to 2 August; health officials say now is time to get third Covid-19 booster shot.
Number of people under follow up remain the same as yesterday; city’s total cases stay at 1,816.
Health chief says coming weekend’s NATs will reveal whether hidden cases still lurking in community.
Number of new cases has remained below 10 per day since 21 July; no new cases found in the community in the past three days.