Total number of people under follow up same as yesterday; NAT results for Key Groups, Key Areas and people working away from home in the last 24 hours all negative.
No new Covid-19 cases found in community for six days; long struggle against Omicron outbreak coming to an end with this weekend’s mass-testing.
All people in Macao must wear a surgical facemask or a higher-standard facemask – such as KN95 – when leaving their homes.
No new cases found in the community since 25 July; 22,979 individuals under follow up.
Run by China Travel Service and Shanghai GeneoDx Biotech Company, the stations will assist in conducting tests once current Omicron variant outbreak subsides.
Health chief says if Macao records zero or few Covid-19 cases, people can wear surgical facemask during consolidation period’s three-day extension.
Painstaking detective work by police and health officials leads to discovery of plot by woman to falsify noisy flatmates’ rapid antigen test results by way of revenge.
Thousands of residents remain in Yellow Code Zones; 75 patients released from hospital; 706 warned for flouting Covid-19 prevention measures.
More than 22,960 individuals under follow up as of 8 am today; Macao’s total cases now 1,819.