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Over-fives travelling to Macao from Guangdong must be jabbed starting tomorrow: tourists exempt

Unvaccinated travellers must show NAT results; people in Macao no longer required to take RATs from tomorrow if no further Covid-19 developments.



Unvaccinated travellers must show NAT results; people in Macao no longer required to take RATs from tomorrow if no further Covid-19 developments.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:36 am

No positive Covid-19 cases have been detected so far in this week’s second round of mass-testing, but new regulations are being imposed on cross-border travellers starting tomorrow.

From midnight on 5 November, Macao residents, non-resident workers and those with permits entering Macao from Guangdong who are more than five years old need to have had at least one Covid-19 vaccination (or with doctor’s proof showing that they’re not suitable for vaccination). If they have not been jabbed, they need to show a nucleic acid test (NAT) test with a validity of 24 hours. Macao residents who return from Zhuhai will have to take a paid NAT immediately if they have not been vaccinated while non-residents might be refused entry.

The new regulations will not apply to tourists, however the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) has admitted that so far it does not have any information regarding when the highly anticipated excursions from mainland China will start arriving in Macao. The central government has authorised the issuing of e-visas for excursionists since 1 November.

Leong Iek Hou, Coordinator of the Center For Disease Control and Prevention Centre, said: “This measure [mandatory jab] is not applicable for tourists because they do not pose as big a risk as Macao residents and non-local residents in the community. As we have seen from this outbreak, most infected cases were close contacts including neighbours and family members.”

By 3 pm today more than 249,000 people had undergone NATs; so far 87,899 have tested negative. Starting tomorrow, people in Macao will no longer have to take daily rapid antigen tests as long as they have submitted a NAT today.

If no more Covid-19 cases are reported in Macao or Zhuhai by midnight tonight, then cross-border travellers’ NAT validity will be extended to 48 hours.

Between Wednesday and Thursday, 154,300 people crossed the border between Zhuhai and Macao. The number of visitors increased 29.2 per cent, and the number of Macao residents crossing the border rose by 13.9 per cent. The number of non-resident workers crossing the border also increased 16.7 per cent.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:36 am

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