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Staff member at closed-loop Treasure Hotel tests positive for Covid-19

Staff member is a 24-year-old male; some people at hotel now face extended quarantine until 20 August.



Staff member is a 24-year-old male; some people at hotel now face extended quarantine until 20 August.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:53 am

People under quarantine at the Treasure Hotel at the airport are facing a longer stay after a staff member tested positive for Covid-19.

A government spokesman said the case is a 24-year-old male, non-resident worker subject to closed-circuit management work.

Preventive anti-epidemic measures have been implemented and some people who are under medical observation at the hotel will need to extend their period of medical observation until 20 August.

Staff working at the medical observation hotel will have to undergo a nucleic acid test at least once every 2 days according to the Health Bureau due to their higher risk of infection.

If a worker is detected as a positive case, health workers immediately quarantine the people who had contact with that worker and require other workers to strengthen the implementation of the various epidemic prevention measures.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:53 am

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