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A teenage student has been brought to hospital after being stabbed on school grounds

According to local media reports, her wounds are not life threatening. A young male suspect is meanwhile in police custody.



According to local media reports, her wounds are not life threatening. A young male suspect is meanwhile in police custody.



UPDATED: 21 Dec 2023, 11:30 pm

A 16-year-old female student was brought to hospital this morning after being stabbed with a sharp object while on the grounds of Colégio Mateus Ricci. 

Officials have identified a young male as the suspect. He is being questioned by police.

The attack took place at around 11:30 am. Initial, unconfirmed reports say it was carried out with a medium blade knife.

[See more: Attempted murder case puts domestic violence under a renewed spotlight]

The victim, described in local media reports as “slightly injured,” was conscious and brought to the Conde de São Januário Hospital after being given first aid by a school nurse. She reportedly has a wound to her right torso.

According to the Chinese-language Macao Daily, the school, located on the Travessa de S. Paulo, issued a statement alleging that the attack was carried out by a former student who had gone back to retrieve his belongings.

The Education and Youth Development Bureau has meanwhile appealed to students distressed by the incident to seek help from their parents, teachers, or trusted adults.


UPDATED: 21 Dec 2023, 11:30 pm

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