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Mainlander studying in Macao identified as Covid-19 close contact

24-year-old female tested negative but remains in isolation; 22 others who crossed paths with her sent into quarantine.



24-year-old female tested negative but remains in isolation; 22 others who crossed paths with her sent into quarantine.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:46 am

A 24-year-old female mainlander studying at the University of Macau (UM) has been identified as a close contact of a confirmed Covid-19 patient in Zhuhai.

The Zhuhai health authorities announced a new Covid-19 case on Tuesday morning, a 26-year-old man who lives and works in Tangjiawan town in Zhuhai.

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre said that the Zhuhai health authorities told their Macao counterparts on Tuesday night that a person in Macao had been in contact with the man, who was confirmed as a Covid-19 patient on Tuesday morning, because of which the person – the female student – has been classified as a Covid-19 close contact.

In response, the Macao Health Bureau (SSM) transferred the student to its Public Health Clinical Centre in Coloane for quarantine. She has tested negative for Covid-19.

On Monday morning, the female student was in the same lift as the man in a building in Zhuhai, when she was wearing a facemask but the man was not.

On Monday afternoon, the student returned to the UM campus where she went to a laboratory and an office, and attended a yoga class that night.

The SSM has identified a total of 22 people who had been in contact with the 24-year-old female student. All of them have been transferred to hotel quarantine, and have tested negative for Covid-19.

“A close contact of a close contact” of a confirmed Covid-19 patient is known as a “secondary Covid-19 close contact”.

In related news, a triple-jabbed 54-year-old man from Taiwan who landed in Macao on Wednesday tested positive for Covid-19. His case was classed as imported and asymptomatic and he is being treated in isolation, The Macau Post Daily reported.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:46 am

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