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Out and about this weekend? Don’t forget your umbrella

A trough of low pressure is bringing thunder and rain to the region in the coming days, but with a welcome fall in temperature.





Macao is in for unsettled weather over the weekend, with rain and thunderstorms predicted to continue into next week.

The Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (often referred to by its Portuguese initials SMG) says the south China coast will be affected by a trough of low pressure in the coming days, bringing a slight drop in temperatures as well as stormy weather.

A convergence of cold and warm air masses will also lead to lightning, gusts and even hail in some parts of the Pearl River Delta, meteorologists said.

[See more: Global climate change is behind the rise in severe typhoons]

Winds will be strongest over the weekend and abate slightly during the week before picking up again next Thursday. The SMG has urged the public to be alert to sudden weather changes.

The Pearl River Delta can meanwhile expect five to eight typhoons this year, meteorologists have warned.

The number is more than usual, with the greater likelihood of severe weather attributed to climate change.

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