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Get set for a week of wet and stormy weather

Macao’s meteorologists say thunderstorms, rain and gusty winds are likely to last until Thursday, with the possibility of flooding in low-lying areas
  • The local predictions come as Guangdong provinces braces for up to 50 percent more rain than usual in the coming weeks





The yellow rainstorm warning and a thunderstorm warning were issued this morning as heavy rain fell over Macao. Residents of low-lying areas were also warned of flooding.

According to the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (known by its Portuguese initials SMG), a trough of low pressure in Guangdong is moving southward and bringing unsettled weather with it. 

The SMG says the possibility of “strong convective weather” – a meteorological term for thunderstorms – cannot be ruled out. Thunderstorms and significant rainfall are forecast until Thursday.

[See more: 2024’s first black rainstorm warning was issued over the weekend]

Residents are asked to pay attention to road safety and weather information, while parents and students should look out for updates from education authorities.

The unsettled weather comes as much of the Greater Bay Area braces for abnormally high rainfall in the coming weeks. 

Meteorologists say precipitation across the Pearl River Delta could be 50 percent more than usual, and authorities are preparing for fresh floods at the Bei River – a tributary of the Pearl River near Foshan that broke its banks last month, prompting the evacuation of tens of thousands of people.

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