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Autumn, what autumn? Last month, Macao recorded its hottest October day ever

October was unseasonably hot and rainy, seeing the month’s highest temperature on record and its third wettest day in 71 years.



October was unseasonably hot and rainy, seeing the month’s highest temperature on record and its third wettest day in 71 years.



UPDATED: 21 Dec 2023, 11:07 pm

Last month, Macao experienced its hottest October day on record: 35.2°C, according to Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) figures cited by the Macau Post Daily.

That extreme temperature arrived on 4 October. The month saw two other days achieve the SMG’s official “very hot” status – which comes with a “yellow hot weather alert.”

Macao started recording temperatures in 1952, the year the SMG was established.

October’s maximum daily temperature is normally expected to stay below 28°C. July is the SAR’s hottest month, reckoned to have an average daily high of 32°C – three degrees less than what 4 October reached this year.

[See more: Global climate change is behind the rise in severe typhoons]

The city also experienced an especially wet October, with a cumulative rainfall of 295.4 millimetres. That’s reportedly about four times Macao’s 30-year average for the month.

Almost 80 percent of the precipitation fell on a single day – 9 October – the third wettest October day in 71 years.

The SMG has attributed last month’s unusually hot and rainy weather to Super Typhoon Koinu’s influence.


UPDATED: 21 Dec 2023, 11:07 pm

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