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A government group has been established to oversee large-scale events

The group will be tasked with preventing the problems that plagued the Seventeen concert in January.





The government has announced the immediate creation of an interdepartmental task group to coordinate and handle applications for large-scale outdoor events in public facilities. 

According to a Chief Executive dispatch published yesterday, the 15-member group is to be led by social affairs and culture secretary Elsie Ao Ieong U. 

Other members include the head of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Leong Wai Man; the director of the Macao Government Tourism Board Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes; and representatives from departments such as the Transport Bureau, the Public Security Police and the Municipal Affairs Bureau.

[See more: Macao needs a big, outdoor venue for shows, says officials

The group will handle applications for large-scale outdoor events and coordinate with the relevant government departments to ensure that events are carried out in a safe and systematic manner.

The establishment of the cross-departmental group was a result of the Seventeen K-pop concerts in the Olympics Sports Centre stadium in January, which sparked a backlash from the local community due to the noise and traffic problems that they caused. 

The concerts also caused damage to the stadium’s pitch, resulting in the venue’s current closure.

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