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Over 40 bus services are being modified to help resolve the city’s traffic issues

The adjustments include changes to the routes, stops, frequency and vehicle types and follow calls on the government to improve the efficiency of the network.





UPDATED: 18 Apr 2024, 4:27 pm

Macao’s two main public bus service operators, TCM and Transmac, are collectively making changes to more than 40 bus services over the coming months in a bid to alleviate traffic woes, multiple media outlets report. 

During the TDM radio program Macau Forum, representatives from the two companies outlined the changes they were making on a trial basis. 

TCM’s general manager, Mayling Leong, said her company planned to modify frequencies, routes and stops on 16 of its bus services this month. 

[See more: There’ll be more ways to pay bus fares from next Thursday]

The deputy general manager of Transmac, Lei Kai Kin, said it made adjustments to 21 of its routes on 1 April, cutting the number of services in the early mornings and reallocating resources to rush hour periods.

Earlier last month, there were calls for the government to increase the efficiency of the network through measures such as cutting down on the number of overlapping bus routes.

Meanwhile, Transmac revealed that the company had served an average of 300,000 passengers per day during the first quarter of this year, a rise of 4 percent year-on-year and about 80 percent of the comparable figure in pre-pandemic 2019. 

UPDATED: 18 Apr 2024, 4:27 pm

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