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Macao’s Covid-19 jab rate hits 78 per cent

Almost all adults between 20 and 49 have had at least one shot; lowest rates are among under-11s and over-80s.



Almost all adults between 20 and 49 have had at least one shot; lowest rates are among under-11s and over-80s.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:41 am

Macao’s Covid-19 vaccination rate reached 78 per cent yesterday, Leong Iek Hou, who heads the Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Health Bureau, has announced.

The 78 per cent vaccination rate, meaning over three-quarters of the population had received at least one jab, was calculated based on Macao’s population of 683,100 at the end of 2020.

Leong also reported Macao’s vaccination rates according to age groups: 

3-11: 15.9 

12-19: 75.7 per cent 

20-29: 97.3 per cent 

30-39: 99.3 per cent 

40-49: 99.9 per cent 

50-59: 84.7 per cent

60-69: 67.9 per cent

70-79: 51.1 per cent

Over-80: 22.3 per cent

Leong also said that the Health Bureau has so far purchased 1.3 million doses of Sinopharm inactivated vaccine and 400,000 doses of BioNTech mRNA vaccine, adding that 920,000 Sinopharm doses and 200,000 BioNTech jabs have been administered. 

Leong said that the remaining 380,000 Sinopharm jabs and 200,000 mRNA jabs will be sufficient for unjabbed residents to get inoculated and for those who have been fully inoculated against Covid-19 to receive their booster jab, The Macau Post Daily reported. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:41 am

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