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Health Bureau urges residents not to buy or take ‘The Slim Queen’ supplement

The Health Bureau (SSM) urged residents in a statement on Thursday not to buy or take “The Slim Queen” supplement as it contains “sibutramine”.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:43 am

The Health Bureau (SSM) urged residents in a statement on Thursday not to buy or take “The Slim Queen” supplement as it contains “sibutramine”. 

According to the statement, the Hong Kong health authorities recently reported that the supplement contains “sibutramine” that could help reduce the user’s appetite but would increase the chance of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. 

The statement added that the local Health Bureau has never approved the imports of the supplement, adding that it has stopped licensing any medicine that contains sibutramine. 

Sibutramine, formerly sold under the brand name Meridia among others, is an appetite suppressant which has been discontinued in many countries. Until 2010, it was widely marketed and prescribed as an adjunct in the treatment of obesity along with diet and exercise. It has been associated with increased cardiovascular events and strokes and has been withdrawn from the market in several countries and regions including Australia, Canada, mainland China, the EU, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. However, the drug is still available in some countries.

The statement said that for the safety of the public, the bureau will closely monitor the product, urging residents not to purchase or take it. The statement warned that residents who bought the product should stop taking it immediately and take it to the bureau’s Medicine Department at 51, Avenida de Sidónio Pais, China Plaza Building, second floor. For more information and enquiries, residents can call 8598 3442 during office hours.  

(The Macau Post Daily/Macao News)
Photo by Government Information Bureau (GCS)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:43 am

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