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Employers urged to enforce Covid-19 precautions after surge in Hong Kong and mainland

Health officials advise bosses to check staff’s travel history and monitor their physical wellbeing; recent travellers to the mainland should get follow-up test.



Health officials advise bosses to check staff’s travel history and monitor their physical wellbeing; recent travellers to the mainland should get follow-up test.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:43 am

Following the surge of Covid-19 cases in Hong Kong and the mainland after the Chinese New Year holiday, health officials have urged employers in Macao to stick to antivirus regulations to protect their staff.

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre also noted that according to the official Recommendations for Organisations on Management of Workers, employers or managers should have a good understanding of their staff members’ travel history and contact history, and constantly monitor their state of health.

The guidelines, which have been released on the Health Bureau’s Covid-19 website, state that entities and organisations should ensure that their staff members and outsourced workers always report their travel history and contact history within the past 21 days, such as by requiring them to generate their Macao Health Code every working day before entering their workplace.

According to the guidelines, organisations should check their staff temperatures “if conditions permit”. Employers should tell staff members who have come down with a fever or other respiratory symptoms to wear a facemask and see a doctor promptly.

The centre also urged those who have recently visited Shenzhen or other areas in the mainland outside Guangdong to book a follow-up Covid-19 test. They should undergo the follow-up test four to seven days after their latest test before entering Macao, The Macau Post Daily reported.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:43 am

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