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Double NAT ordered for Inner Harbour Key Area following imported Covid-19 case

Asymptomatic Macao resident tested negative for Covid-19 numerous times before finally testing positive on 11 August.



Asymptomatic Macao resident tested negative for Covid-19 numerous times before finally testing positive on 11 August.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:53 am

Following yesterday’s discovery that a close contact of a crew member from a Hong Kong and Macao cargo ship had tested positive for Covid-19, the areas around the 64-year-old case’s workplace have been designated as a new Key Area. The seaman had tested negative for Covid-19 between the 4-10 August, only testing positive on the evening of 11 August. He has been classified as an imported case.

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre announced that anyone who lives, works or has stayed more than half an hour on or after 8 August in the areas in the vicinity of Rua da Ribeira do Patane, Avenida de Demétrio Cinatti, Travessa da Guelra, Rua da Ribeira do Patane, Travessa dos Calafates, Calçada do Galo, Calçada das Sortes, Rua da Palmeira, Travessa da Escama must each undergo two nucleic acid tests (NAT).

From today to 15 August, individuals in the key area are required to undergo two NATs within three days. Each test must be taken at least 24 hours apart. Those who have undertaken other NAT requirements on the same day do not need to repeat the test.

Infants and young children born after 1 July 2019, as well as the elderly and the disabled, are not exempted from the two mandatory NATs.

Health authorities will send an SMS to those included in the Key Area to remind them to make an appointment for the NAT. Anyone failing to complete the two tests will be assigned a yellow health code on 13 August.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:53 am

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