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Daily single entry and exit limit between Macao and Zhuhai extended until 30 April

No limitation on border crossings via Hengqin Port and HZMB, which are designated checkpoints for mainland China travel groups, as well as Macao-Wanzai Ferry Terminal.



No limitation on border crossings via Hengqin Port and HZMB, which are designated checkpoints for mainland China travel groups, as well as Macao-Wanzai Ferry Terminal.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:32 am

The daily limit of one entry and exit between Macao and Zhuhai, which has been in place since 9 August 2022, has been extended until 30 April, the Zhuhai-Macao Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism has announced. 

The measure was initially enforced for a month at all Macao-Zhuhai borders, with the exemptions only allowed for goods vehicle drivers, students and one accompanying parent, civil servants and staff responding to emergencies, as well as funeral home staff with transport duties. 

When the measure was extended from 9 September to 8 October, it was only put in force for Gongbei Port, Qingmao Port and Macao-Wanzai Ferry Terminal checkpoints, while Hengqin Port and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) checkpoints resumed normal operations with no limitation on the number of entries and exits between Macao and Zhuhai on 9 September. 

The measure was again extended from 9-31 October, before being extended for three months from 1 November 2022 to 31 January 2023. 

This time, it has been extended for another three months – from past midnight on 1 February through midnight on 30 April – for the Gongbei and Qingmao Ports, while there is no limit to the number border crossings via the Hengqin Port, Macao-Wanzai Ferry Terminal and the HZMB checkpoints. 

However, cross-border students and one accompanying parent are now limited to two round trips per day through the Gongbei and Qingmao Ports. 

Goods vehicle drivers, civil servants and medical staff responding to emergencies, as well as funeral home staff with transport duties remain exempted from the cross-border exit and entry limit. 

In addition, the Hengqin Port and the HZMB’s Zhuhai-Macao checkpoints are designated entry and exit points for travel groups from mainland China. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:32 am

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