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Alvis Lo to be new SSM chief

A highly experienced consultant pulmonologist, Lo has played a major role in shaping the government’s Covid-19 strategy.



A highly experienced consultant pulmonologist, Lo has played a major role in shaping the government’s Covid-19 strategy.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:07 am

Alvis Lo Iek Long, will become the director of the Health Bureau (SSM) next month when the current incumbent,  Lei Chin Ion, retires.

Confirming the appointment, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Elsie Ao Ieong U  said that Lo, currently one of the three clinical directors at the Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre, has extensive experience in hospital management. 

Lo, a consultant pulmonologist, has been working in the hospital’s Covid-19 isolation wards, and has also been advising the government about Covid-19 measures, The Macau Post Daily reported.

Ao Ieong also said that she expects Lo to further improve Macao’s medical service after taking up his new position. “I believe that everyone knows him well,” she said.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:07 am

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