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90,000 seniors reached in phone-call jab drive

Campaign by volunteers and Social Welfare Bureau staff pays off as more elderly residents agree to get vaccinated against novel coronavirus.



Campaign by volunteers and Social Welfare Bureau staff pays off as more elderly residents agree to get vaccinated against novel coronavirus.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:40 am

Around 90,000 senior citizens have been urged to get vaccinated in a city-wide phone and SMS campaign,  Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) President Wilson Hon Wai has announced.

The campaign started on Wednesday last week, when the IAS requested around 240 private social service facilities in the city to phone senior citizens to ask them whether they have already been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus and to encourage unjabbed ones to get inoculated. Thousands of staff members and volunteers have been working on the campaign.

Hon said that most of Macao’s senior citizens had been contacted during the campaign. 

Hon underlined that since the start of the campaign, more senior citizens, regardless of those living in homes or retirement homes, have made a booking to get vaccinated. Hon also said that around 200 senior citizens will be inoculated during the Health Bureau’s (SSM) outreach Covid-19 vaccination programmes in the near future.

Hon was speaking at an activity centre for seniors run by local charitable organisation Tung Sin Tong, in Areia Preta, on the sidelines of a presentation about Covid-19 vaccinations, which also included on-site inoculations. About 60 seniors attended the briefing session, and around half of them were inoculated there after listening to the talk.

According to the SSM, as of 4 pm yesterday 545,419 people had been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus in Macao, and 495,649 had completed two or more doses, The Macau Post Daily reported. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:40 am

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