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821 residents in ‘poor hygiene’ lockdown building evacuated to quarantine hotel

Health workers hampered by high density and insanitary conditions; residents move en masse to Treasure Hotel in Taipa.



Health workers hampered by high density and insanitary conditions; residents move en masse to Treasure Hotel in Taipa.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

The government has transferred 821 residents from 268 households living in Phase 1 of San Mei On Building (新美安大廈) in Iao Hon district to the Treasure Hotel in Taipa, one of the government’s quarantine hotels, where they will continue their medical observation quarantine, Health Bureau officials have announced.

The government imposed a lockdown on Phase 1 of San Mei On Building on Tuesday last week after the confirmation of the 75th patient, who normally lives there, earlier that day.

Residents of lockdown areas (Red Code Zones) are barred from leaving their homes during the lockdown period, which normally lasts 14 days.

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre announced on Saturday that it had decided to transfer residents of San Mei On Building to one of the government-designated quarantine hotels due to the building’s “poor hygiene” environment and high density of residents, which was adversely affecting officials’ work carrying out Covid-19 prevention and control measures.

Health workers started to transfer residents from San Mei On Building yesterday morning, when the city was being hit by torrential rain. The transfer to the Treasure Hotel was completed last night.

The government has underlined that its operation to transfer residents from the old building would not pose a Covid-19 risk to the community.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

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