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6 Health Bureau staff test positive for Covid-19

  • Close contacts of infected staff at Conde S. Januário Hospital all proved negative after follow-up testing; no patients affected.



Close contacts of infected staff at Conde S. Januário Hospital all proved negative after follow-up testing; no patients affected.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:44 am

Six Health Bureau (SSM) staff have been infected with novel coronavirus since the start of the recent outbreak, including one worker at a nucleic acid testing (NAT) station and two hospital cleaners, one clinical centre nurse, one emergency room nurse and one assistant. 

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre said the six staff tested positive between 26 and 28 June during the citywide mass-testing.

They worked variously in the hemodialysis area, pharmacy, emergency room, public health clinical centre, restrooms, and parts of the back-office area of ​​the Conde S. Januário Hospital. 

After investigation, 32 staff members were temporarily listed as close contacts. All of them have been quarantined and the work areas of all positive cases have been fully disinfected and cleaned. 

The SSM has also conducted rapid antigen testing (RAT) and nucleic acid sampling for all related staff and patients (about 719 people). 

The results were all negative, however all staff have been instructed to conduct self-health monitoring. 

At present, no inpatients have been infected at the hospital or public health clinic.

The Centre emphasised that the SSM has issued guidelines that all employees in high-risk positions must undergo comprehensive closed-loop management, travel by car, and are prohibited from mixing with the community. 

In addition, the cleaning and disinfection of all areas in the medical facility have also been strengthened, and all infection control measures have been strictly followed.

All employees are required to complete a RAT before going to work every day and a NAT every 48 hours; all people entering the hospital must present the Macao health code and the negative result of the RAT. 

The SSM has taken all necessary measures to ensure the safety of patients and staff.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:44 am

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