The number of visitors who arrived in Macau in November by sea, approximately 413,700, represented a decline of 39.0% year–on–year.
Macau and Zhuhai governments have since beginning of the year started planning on a housing project in Hengqin Island.
The Light Rapid Transit (LRT) system has carried over 200,000 passengers since the launch of its service on December 10, Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo do Rosário said.
The Legislative Assembly unanimously passed the government’s 2020 budget bill.
The construction of the new border between Macau and Zhuhai on Hengqin Island is expected to be finished by Dec 20-the 20th anniversary of Macau’s return to China.
Macau’s development achievements over the past 20 years have demonstrated the vitality of “One Country, Two Systems,” a senior Chinese diplomat said.
Macau’s economy will contract at a rate of 5.2% in 2019, according to the latest forecasts from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), which refer to 2021 as the year in which the territory will return to positive growth rates.
After more than a one year suspension from her duties in IPIM Glória Batalha Ung returned to the institution to work in the Department of Economic and Commercial Promotion with Lusophone markets.
Zhang Yaqin, president of Beijing-based internet giant Baidu, will be giving a lecture on “Advances in Autonomous Driving” on Monday at the University of Macau.