From setting up a new enterprise to connecting companies with partners, IPIM offers a suite of business services to expedite the growth of local brands.
Legislative Assembly committee has finished point-by-point review of new junket bill, final debate likely to be held in November.
Committee chair Andrew Chan Chak Mo clarifies rules for junkets as city heads for new gaming scenario at year’s end.
Prime targets are people with special talents or technical abilities who have gained international recognition as outstanding achievers.
Latest statistics show more females than males in Macao; population density of 20,524 per square kilometre one of world’s highest.
Adjusted EBITDA was negative US$90.3 million for the second quarter, compared to a profit of US$67.6 million the previous year.
Results compare poorly with 2021, but show a marked improvement over first quarter of this year.
Chief Executive says government still mulling how relief will be distributed, acknowledges unemployment situation is ‘very serious’.
Ho Iat Seng says quarantine regulations would still apply and decision dependent on central government and Covid-19 situation.