Subsidies for R&D, rent, furnishing and more are available to companies setting up in Hengqin, authorities say.
The concessionaire highlighted the impact of the pandemic and said it was ‘unable to reasonably predict’ if future restrictions would affect its business in the future.
A bid to increase the minimum wage to 35 patacas from 32 will be a blow to enterprises struggling to recover from the pandemic, he says.
The travel restriction at the Gongbei and Qingmao checkpoints was introduced as a Covid-19 safety precaution and to deter parallel traders.
New measure aims to improve site safety, while not infringing on local employment opportunities, and comes amid a decline in accidents from 42 in 2021 to 16 last year.
Average rooms rate rise across the board as the city’s hospitality industry begins to recover from the three years of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Hike is mostly due to rises in the cost of food and fuel, the DSEC says, with rents forecast to rise in 2023.
News comes as Portugal appoints a new delegate to the multilateral body aimed at promoting trade between China and lusophone countries.
But the territory is pinning its hopes on revived passenger numbers with the ending of Covid-19 restrictions.