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Residency could get easier for some non-resident students, says CE

There’s a new talent acquisition scheme on the horizon for top performing students at Macao universities prepared to work in selected sectors.





Some non-resident students at Macao universities may soon become eligible for elusive SAR residency provided they exhibit talent in one of Macao’s four emerging industries, TDM reports.

These industries, which are covered by the government’s economic diversification plan, are finance, high technology, life sciences (including Traditional Chinese Medicine) and large-scale event production.

The Talent Development Committee is reportedly finalising a talent acquisition scheme for non-resident students prepared to work in one of the above industries.

[See more: The eligibility criteria for financial talent recruitment schemes has been revealed]

At a recent Legislative Council question and answer session, Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng said he hoped the scheme would begin next month.

Ho emphasised that the students would have to be top performers, completing four-year degrees.

In response to a lawmaker’s question about the scheme, Ho said that due to Macao’s small size, talent acquisition needed to be done gradually. He emphasised that attracting too many migrants at once did not align with the SAR’s development goals.

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