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Macao’s employee indicators are back to pre-pandemic levels, survey finds

Both employee confidence and satisfaction have risen, according to a poll by the Macau University of Science and Technology
  • The researchers say that the data, based on a survey of 806 employees, is indicative of the local economy’s vitality and flexibility





A new survey from the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) has found that confidence and satisfaction indices of employees in Macao are comparable to pre-pandemic levels. 

The latest employee confidence index stands at 3.04 points out of a possible 5, or an increase of 4.37 percent year-on-year. This is on par with the pre-pandemic years of 2017, 2018 and 2019, when the overall confidence index stood at 3.01. 

Factors affecting confidence that showed the most growth included “not losing one’s employment within one year” (12.21 percent); “receiving recognition from one’s manager” (11.44 percent); and “being given professional development opportunities” (8.88 percent). 

[See more: Macao’s unemployment rate returns to pre-pandemic levels

Meanwhile, the employee satisfaction index rose by almost 8 percent when compared to 2023, totalling 3.23 points. The factors that showed the most growth in this category included work and health (13.70 percent); work and family life (13.43 percent); and remuneration (10.77 percent). 

The results showed that “Macao’s society and economy” have “returned to normal operations” after the pandemic, said MUST business professor Sun Liyun in a TDM report. 

The poll involved the participation of 806 full-time local employees and was conducted between 9 and 24 April 2024. 

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