Together with Hong Kong and Guangdong, Macao has been planning to pull off this sporting coup for the past four years.
Once again, Covid-19 blights the Macau Grand Prix, the city’s most prestigious sports event.
Made by veteran director Sérgio Basto Perez, the documentary will be shown at the Grand Prix Museum.
This Olympiad will be the first in many years when the city’s disabled athletes have not made a showing.
New agreements will allow TDM to broadcast upcoming Tokyo Olympics and Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022.
Competition aims to revitalise sports and tourism industries; open to teams across the Greater Bay Area, and the winner will net MOP 100,000.
Channel your inner beast and awaken the power of primal movement with the latest workout to hit Macao’s fitness centres: Animal Flow!
Focused on the wellbeing of people – both mentally and physically – this year’s International Day of Yoga fosters making better choices for good health.
Despite being held in the shadow of Covid-19 guidelines, the races gave paddlers a chance to shine.