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Sports chief defends the switch to Formula Regional racing at the Macau Grand Prix

The replacement of Formula 3 with a Formula Regional championship has left many local racing fans dismayed
  • Sports Bureau chief Pun Weng Kun says that move will not detract from ‘the allure’ of the city’s world famous racing event





UPDATED: 05 Jun 2024, 8:19 am

The head of the Sports Bureau has denied that the switch from Formula 3 (F3) racing to Formula Regional (FR) will tarnish the Macau Grand Prix.

According to the Macau Daily Times, Pun Weng Kun said on Monday that “the allure of the Macau Grand Prix lies in its event arrangement and the unique circuit, which attracts teams and drivers from around the world.”

He added that “The international events organised by the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) hold significant authority,” and maintained that “aspiring young drivers” would continue to see Macao’s Guia Circuit as “a platform to advance to higher-level races.”

[See more: What impact will the switch from F3 to FR have on the Macau Grand Prix and the city’s tourism?]

The scrapping of F3 racing in Macao by motorsport’s global governing body sent shock waves through the city when it was announced on 22 May. Many fans felt that its replacement with an FR event represented a demotion.

However, while FR cars use less horsepower than F3 machinery, they share many similarities and can be compared to F3’s 2019 constructions. The holding of an FR championship in Macao also better integrates the city on the FIA global circuit.

The next Macau Grand Prix will be held from 14 to 17 November.

UPDATED: 05 Jun 2024, 8:19 am

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