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Government reiterates need for special health measures during events and festivals

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre calls on the organisers and participants of festivals, cultural, recreational and sporting activities to strictly control the number of participants to 50% or less of the general capacity of the site and to measure the temperature of all those who enter the venue.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 8:16 am

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre calls on the organisers and participants of festivals, cultural, recreational and sporting activities to strictly control the number of participants to 50 per cent or less of the general capacity of the site and to measure the temperature of all those who enter the venue.

According to information released on Sunday by the centre, all participants in the events have to present the “Macao Health Code”.

“All participants and workers in the activity should, as far as possible, wear a mask during the entire process, removing the mask only when necessary, such as for eating. And when removing the mask, they should keep at least 1 metre away from others,“ the centre said.

The statement also indicated clearly that “if due to the nature of the activity, participants cannot wear a mask, such as in physical exercises, sports competitions, shows, etc., and a minimum distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained during the process, a new nucleic acid test must be performed before collective training or testing.”

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre also stressed that
“to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus during collective festivals and cultural, recreational and sporting activities, the organising entities and participants must strictly comply with the guidelines of the Health Services, and must not, during the event, let their guard down, but must continue to maintain preventive and control measures such as adequate distance, use of a mask and handwashing.”

“Organising entities must place notices at the event location reminding participants not to meet and pay attention to personal hygiene, as well as advise them to disperse or leave; reinforce the cleaning and disinfection of equipment and objects at the event, especially in places with easy access to hands and sanitary facilities, and in certain places of the event, especially where there are no sanitary or handwashing facilities, and establish the quantity necessary alcohol disinfectant for public use,” the centre’s statement said.

The statement was published when the Macao International Dragon Boat Races started at the Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre on Sunday which will end on June 25.

(The Macau Post Daily/Macau News)
PHOTO  © Macau Daily Times

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 8:16 am

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