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Third Covid-19 case, sister of original carrier, discovered today

  • Health officials say no transmission risk for community; Fai Chi Kei to return to normal if no more cases by month’s end.



Health officials say no transmission risk for community; Fai Chi Kei to return to normal if no more cases by month’s end.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:46 am

A third Covid-19 case was discovered today, Leong Iek Hou, head of the Novel Coronavirus Response Coordination Centre  has announced.

The patient is the 63-year-old sister of the initial carrier detected in Fai Chi Kei.

Leong said that these cases do not represent any transmission risk for the  community.

The second positive case, the 31-year-old son of the initial carrier, remains under observation having tested weakly positive.

Leong reaffirmed that all travellers from Guangdong need to be vaccinated to enter Macao and said they should bring documentary proof. Local residents, non-resident workers and other non-local people who hold a permit to stay in Macao for a long period of time, will have their NAT validity shortened to just 24 hours if they have not been inoculated against Covid-19.

Two groups will be exempted from the new measure: under-fives, and those who hold a doctor’s certificate confirming their unsuitability for Covid-19 vaccinations, meaning that their NAT validity will remain valid for 48 hours when entering Macao from Guangdong after the start of the new measure, despite having not been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus.

Leong said that if no more cases are detected in the Red Code Zone in Fai Chi Kei by the end of the month the situation will return to normal.

Leong said that over the last two days all NAT tests performed on the thousands of residents in the Red Code Zone and adjoining areas continue to be negative.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:46 am

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