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One more building near Pak Vai locked down after daughter of imported case tests positive

Father, who returned to Macao with his wife on 29 October, tested weakly positive for Covid-19 yesterday while daughter tests positive today.



Father, who returned to Macao with his wife on 29 October, tested weakly positive for Covid-19 yesterday while daughter tests positive today.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:35 am

Yet another building has been designated a Red Code Zone in relation to a new imported Covid-19 case involving a 21-year-old female local resident whose parents returned to Macao from Portugal via Singapore on 29 October, the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre has announced. 

The parents met the criteria for release from quarantine on 9 November and left the quarantine hotel the next day. Yesterday, the father tested weakly positive for Covid-19 and was immediately put under medical isolation in the early morning of today. 

Considered a close contact, the daughter was also put under medical observation today and, after undergoing a nucleic acid test, her test results have returned positive. While her father is considered an imported case, the daughter is considered “related” to an imported case, the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre has decided. 

Both the father and daughter are currently undergoing medical isolation at the Public Health Clinical Centre in Coloane. The Centre’s announcement did not disclose whether the mother tested positive or if she has been put under medical observation. 

The building where the three live, Edf. Tranquilidade on Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga 28–28B near the Pak Vai Activity Centre, has now been listed as a Red Code Zone.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:35 am

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