Labour affairs veteran Lei Seak Chio will take on the role from next Monday, after serving as Macao’s occupational health and safety chief
Overall residential property prices averaged 69,882 patacas per square metre in the first half of last month, a fall of 15 percent in comparison to the month previous
Some 162,000 visitors entered Macao yesterday, in the waning days of the 8-day holiday – a fall of 14 percent in comparison to the day before
Strengthening the SAR government’s communications with mainland authorities will be part of the new pact, officials say
The tourism office had forecast an average daily visitor rate of 185,000 during Lunar New Year, a figure the first five days of the holiday have not quite met
Macao’s gross gaming revenue in January fell by 5.6 percent year-on-year
While the concessionaire’s full-year results were positive, a lacklustre fourth quarter has been attributed to low hold on rolling play and some major renovations at resorts
Just in time for the Lunar New Year holiday, the phone-based payment service has ventured beyond the SAR’s integrated resorts
The A&P Macau Patacas Money Market Fund has “successfully established a track record” and is ready for more investors, says founder Bernardo Alves