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Mozambique artist takes centre stage at Macao Forum’s Cultural Week

Using surrealist Cubism and vivid colours, the artist examines the concept of peace in his native country.



Using surrealist Cubism and vivid colours, the artist examines the concept of peace in his native country.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:40 am

Mozambican artist José Estevão Manhiça’s paintings are proving a hit at the 13th Cultural Week of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, which opened last Friday.

Entitled “Different Encounters”, the exhibition is the fourth in the series “Policromias lusófonas” (Lusophone Polychromy), which showcases visual works by artists from Angola, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe, Timor-Leste and Macao.

The works on display “represent different phases of the artist’s artistic life”, who “in keeping with the role of human coexistence for the well-being of society, also seeks to convey a critical and educational message that will serve as a lesson to new generations”.

José Estevão Manhiça studied painting and analytical drawing at the National School of Visual Arts, in Mozambique. Since 1994, he has held several solo and group exhibitions. His works also feature in the collections of the Presidency of the Republic of Mozambique, of different government departments and banks, in addition to being found in Portugal, Germany, the United States, Spain and Sweden.

Through his works, the artist manages to promote the art and culture of Mozambique, with a surrealist Cubism and using vivid colours as a way to look at peace in his country, in addition to seeking to transmit joy.

Previously, works by Ana Jacinto Nunes (Portugal), Eduardo Bentub (Cabo Verde) and Guilherme Carvalho (São Tomé and Príncipe) have been exhibited by the Forum Macao.

After Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau will feature next with painter Ismael Hipólito Djata, between 23 September and 10 October.

The works of José Estevão Manhiça will be on display until the 19 September, while at the same time in-person workshops on dances (Tufo, Xigugo and Marrabenta) and traditional games (Pindjonce, Neca and N’Txuvha), will be organised by the Association of the Friends of Mozambique in Macao.

The 13th Cultural Week of the Macao Forum, in offline and online format, runs until 31 December.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:40 am

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