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Drunken Filipino deliveryman suspected of raping Filipina

  • A Filipino non-resident worker was arrested on Wednesday for suspected rape of a 53-year-old Filipina in her flat last Monday.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

A Filipino non-resident worker was arrested on Wednesday for raping a 53-year-old Filipina in her flat last Monday, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Cheong Kam Fai said during a regular press conference on Friday.

The 31-year-old suspect surnamed Rufino told the police that he works as a deliveryman.

According to Cheong, the Judiciary Police received a report from the Public Security Police (PSP) last Monday that a Filipina had been raped by a Filipino at her home in Santo António district.

The victim told the police that she shares a flat with her relatives. The victim’s nephew invited Rufino and six other Filipinos to drink in the flat that night. At 9 pm, the victim returned home and later went to sleep on the sofa bed in the living room while the others retreated to their bedrooms.

Cheong said that the suspect allegedly raped her while nobody was in the living room. The victim tried to resist but failed, and afterwards Rufino fled the scene. After an examination, a doctor confirmed that the victim’s hands and feet showed bruises appearing to have been caused by physical resistance.

Thanks to CCTV footage, the police were able to track down Rufino and arrested him on Wednesday at his workplace in Areia Preta district. Rufino denied committing the crime but Cheong said there was circumstantial evidence linking him to the alleged crime.

Rufino has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing a rape charge.

(The Macau Post Daily/Macau News)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

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