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Macau aims to complete 5G base stations in 2020

The government is trying to complete the city’s 5G base stations next year.




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UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

The government is trying to complete the city’s 5G base stations next year, Lau Wai Meng, director of the Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT), said on Wednesday.

Lau made the comments during a press conference held at the bureau’s headquarters in Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, where her bureau launched two new stamp collections.

Lau said that the legislative process for the 5G service was still going on, and that the bureau was striving to complete the 5G base stations for next year. She did not say how many 5G base stations will be installed.

Lau also said that the size of the 5G base stations were smaller so that more could be installed than the 4G base stations. According to Lau, some of the stations will be installed on government premises, as for their installation on private properties the city’s telecom operators needed to discuss this issue with the property owners first.

Responding to a reporter’s question about some residents’ concerns about the radiation emanating from the base stations, Lau said that the radiation met official standards. However, she stressed that if people are worried about it, they could convey their concerns to the bureau.

According to the Macau Post Daily, Lau also said that the bureau would explore the feasibility of installing 5G base stations in the streets, such as on smart lampposts. Lau added that before the legislative process is completed, telecom operators could do some preliminary preparations, such as discussing the construction of the network base stations with her bureau.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

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